Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thesis Progression

     These past few days have been quite difficult. I had to really knuckle down and figure out where I'm headed. Sometimes, I think I'm headed in the right direction and I lose myself. I went back and took some time to figure out where I want to head and what really makes me excited about writing and reading. I took some time and left writing and just looked over some books that I love to read and watch some shows that inspire me and fill me with many ideas.
     Afterwards, I thought it might be better to make an outline of my ideas and try to setup one by one what is important and what I really want to say towards my writing. But I took some time and decided to just do chunking. I chunked one idea down and wrote that out. Then I went and chunked another idea that supports the previous idea and continued in that method until I came up with something concrete.
     Now, I have developed an idea that I believe is workable. And I was able to build up some great points that gave rise to even more material. Then I took that information and created more information that made the previous information more detailed and specific for the idea I'm trying to present. Moreover, I'm just trying to make sure that I'm presenting a workable idea and that I haven't done something that won't be understood or that just doesn't make sense.
     I truly gave it some thought and wrote up some material that is workable. I developed some themes that I believe are important and created a story that is readable. Furthermore, I made an outline and a ten point arc. I'm working on a character outline. And hopefully, all this information will be doable and worthwhile. I've also started my research and an annotated bibliography.