Thursday, September 29, 2016

Conflicting Ideas in Writing

     After writing for a while, I've come to realize that what hinders my writing process and the progression of the story is that I tend to diverge from the present writing. I push myself off the present project when ideas hit me when I am writing the current story. And I find myself focusing on writing the idea and about the idea which has just struck me. Instead of finishing the thought or story on which I am currently working.
     I ended up using a technique which I previously developed through my writing. Not only do I take the post-its and write ideas or thoughts about identity or the current story or them. But now I have taken to writing the ideas that jump out of me on them too. When I do this process; it allows me to jot down the come to mind ideas without disturbing the present writing. And I place the post-its on my wall of writing and come back to them later when I need further inspiration or information for my current writing project.
     Afterwards, I've found that the information I wrote down through the days, weeks, and moments have given rise to a plethora of great ideas or scenes which I can use in the current writing project. I just have to format them to the current idea. It takes a bit of editing. I take out what has nothing to do with the current idea. But I don't throw anything away. I simply put it aside because it may be useful or needed in another way or for later inspiration and rewritten to work or fit in the current story. 
     Amazingly, I've found myself developing strategies to facilitate my writing and story ideas like I never thought possible. It's because now I've started to realize what I want to do and what I should not do in order to keep myself on track. Therefore, I've developed techniques to keep those bad habits in check and improve my idea construction and story progression.   

Writing Process

     Lately, I've found myself struggling with my writing process. I've found that I spend more time fixing and correcting errors in the writing than I do writing itself. I guess spending time making sure everything reads well is important. But at times I feel I am losing the story itself in the technical process. I've been trying to identify the other aspects of identity which can make my story more appealing and working on building forward the idea instead of just doing grammatical fixes.
     But as time goes on; I find that more and more I feel detached from the very idea I'm trying to explore. I've had to take a step back these past few days and take a look at what I'm trying to do in order to develop a well written story and express the theme of identity without losing reality and creativity in the story; so that the story does not become stagnant.
     I have actually taken to setting up a wall in my room with plot ideas, character design, and story twists to keep myself on track with what I want to do with my work. I've also taken to writing out on paper with pencil instead of on computer. I've found that using a pencil and paper allows my mind to free itself more for writing then with a computer. I don't know. The feel of the pencil and writing on paper just makes the process comfortable and easier for me.
     I now find my self jotting down notes for the story on post-its and pieces of paper on my free time. On these notes I write ways to better the story and place more emphasis on the idea of identity for my character(s) and the book itself.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thesis Proposal

     My writing process for my thesis proposal has been quite an eye opening process. I have always had a basic idea of what I thought that I wanted to do for my thesis proposal. But when asked to actually write down my thoughts. I found myself in quite the quandary. I wanted to simply say that I wanted to do a creative project but that was not enough.

     I took the time to think and I wrote out some preliminary rough drafts of what I thought I should say for the first thesis proposal but nothing really struck my mind. After a while, I thought to myself what it is that I was really trying to say and what is important about what I am trying to get across in my thesis and work. After a while longer, it came to me that I wanted to write about something that I loved of course but something that made sense and wasn't a far off concept.

     Then it struck me that I have always been driven by the theme of identity. By the struggles of people trying to figure out who they are and what they want out of life. How the idea of being "I" can come so easily to some and so exceedingly difficult to others. I wanted to take this idea which has not only fascinated in my mind but in written stories and movies and see what I can create with the idea and my own mind and two hands.

     I found that after I free wrote some ideas about how to best interpret the theme of identity. I came up with the idea of creating a story in which a character has to go through a process of self discovery. And found that this process of writing allowed me to develop the rough draft of the research proposal.